

Whether you’re a homeowner, a landlord, a real estate investor, or running an Airbnb, managing a property can be a huge headache—especially if you’re located far away. There may be tenants to deal with or clean up after, emergency repairs to be done, or renovations to supervise. Yoel Kaufman, founder of SCRUBS Cleaning and Maintenance, … Continue reading “YOU DON’T HAVE TO MANAGE ON YOUR OWN”

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Property management with you best interest at heart

Managing your property in Israel can be a stressful task, requiring a degree in multitasking, an in-depth knowledge of the Israeli “system” and a bucketload of patience. When you are not used to the way things work here, or are not fluent in Hebrew, the job becomes exponentially more difficult. Even if you do hire … Continue reading “Property management with you best interest at heart”

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Buying Real Estate In Israel? Not Before You Read This

Whether you are making Aliyah, buying a vacation or investment apartment, or just want to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a home here; this is what you need to consider: What are my additional costs aside from the price of the apartment? What is the right type of property for me? How much will … Continue reading “Buying Real Estate In Israel? Not Before You Read This”

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Has the purchase tax increase crippled the real estate market?

The single most significant issue for every Israeli politician other than security has been tackling the high cost of living, most notably “ The Housing Crisis” — or the ever increasing cost of real estate. Prices in Israel over the last 10 years have increased by over 100%, and until 2015 they weren’t showing signs … Continue reading “Has the purchase tax increase crippled the real estate market?”

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